
The following cemeteries are identified within townships that are included in our boundaries of the school district with extensions into nearby cemeteries where families may have lived near. As an ongoing project, we are adding information and headstone photos to the Find-A-Grave website.

Shabbona Township, DeKalb Co., IL

Rose Hill Cemetery
Originally known as Ray’s Cemetery. It is located on Cemetery Rd. west of Shabbona Rd., north of the town of Shabbona.

Old English Cemetery
Also known as West Shabbona Cemetery and English Cemetery. It is located on Highway 30, west of Shabbona. In 1851, an English settlement was established and many are interred in this cemetery.

Smith Cemetery
Also known as the Shabbona Grove Cemetery. It is located on Shabbona Grove Rd., west of Shabbona Rd.  Originally this cemetery was established on the farm of David Smith.

Shabbona Grave Yard
This cemetery is no longer visible but was located near Johnson Rd and University Rd.

St. James Calvary Cemetery
Also known as St. James Catholic and Lee Catholic Cemetery. St. James Church is in the Village of Lee and historically had a cemetery on the Church property but in 1890 opened this cemetery south of town, on County Line Rd.


Paw Paw Township, DeKalb Co., IL

Harris Cemetery
This cemetery is inactive, located on East Paw Paw Rd between South Paw Paw Rd and Whitman Rd. This appears to have been a family cemetery with Benoni and Thankful Harris buried there. No headstones remain.

Brownell Cemetery
Inactive and no tombstones standing. Located on Sleepy Hollow Road, one mile north of Chicago Road and probably was a burial ground for David Brownell and his family.

East Paw Paw Cemetery
Located on the south side of Chicago Rd, about between County Line Rd. and Bend Rd. Many headstones from early settler’s in this area.

Ross Grove Cemetery
This inactive cemetery is located on Sleepy Hollow Rd, north of Chicago Rd. In the mid-eighties, an early settlement containing a church, school and post office, was established.

Hyde/Stevens Cemetery
Also known as the Old Stevens Cemetery. It is located on Hyde Rd. about 1/2 mile north of Svendson Rd. and was a family burial ground.

Clinton Township, DeKalb County, IL

Johnson Grove Cemetery
The cemetery is located on the north side of Shabbona Grove Road between Leland and Kane Roads.

Alto Township, Lee Co., IL

Union Cemetery
Also known as the Norwegian Cemetery North and Calvary Cemetery. Located on the north side of Perry Rd and west side of County Line Rd. The Calvary Lutheran Church is on the east side of the County Line Rd.

Steward Cemetery
Located in the western section of the town of Steward.

Willow Creek Township, Lee Co., IL

First Lutheran Cemetery
Also known as the Norwegian Cemetery, located on Lee Rd. south and west of the Village of Lee. Originally the First Lutheran Church was built in this location but in 1929, they moved into the Village of Lee.

St. Mary’s Twin Grove Catholic Cemetery
Also known as German Cemetery. Now surrounded by private property, this once was the site of the first Catholic church and cemetery of the area. Located on east side of German Rd, north of US Highway 30. This cemetery was restored in 2006.

Twin Grove Cemetery
Located on the north side US Highway 30, east of Steward Rd. in Lee County.

Wyoming Township, Lee Co., IL

South Paw Paw Cemetery
It is located on South Paw Paw Rd, west of East Paw Paw Rd.

Ellsworth Cemetery
This is located on the south side of Paw Paw Rd., just west of Howlett Rd and Paw Paw Rd. intersection.

Wyoming Cemetery
Located south of Paw Paw on Paw Paw Rd.