Now, Charles

Charles Now 


In the Matter of the Estate of:                                      In Ogle County County Court.

Charles Now, deceased.                                             In Probate.

22nd day of January, A.D. 1906, Will filed, and on February 19th, 1906, admitted to Probate.

I Charles Now, of the Town of Shabbona, in the County of Dekalb and State of Illinois, being of sound mind and memory, and of the age of Sixty-six, do make, publish and declare this as and for my last will and testament, in manner following, that is to say:

First:-  I direct that all my just debts, funeral expenses and costs of administration be fully paid.

Second:-  Subject to the payment of said debts, funeral expenses and costs of administration as aforesaid, I give and bequeath, grant and devise to my beloved wife, Caroline Now, all of my estate, real, personal and mixed for her use, maintenance and support during the term of her natural life, with full power and authority hereby given her, to sell, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of the same, or any portion thereof, when in her judgment it will be conducive to he interests as such life tenant so to do.  Such disposition however, to be consistent with the life use hereinbefore devised.

Third:-  Subject to provisions hereinbefore set forth.  I give and bequeath, grand and devise all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, of whatsoever kind and character and wheresoever situated, to my daughters Mary Mohr, wife of George Mohr, Lena Mohr, wife of Conrad Mohr, Hattie Wheeler, wife of Robert H. Wheeler, and my granddaughters, Nina Stimpson and Alma Stimpson, children of my deceased daughter Ann C. Stimpson, in the following proportions, to –wit:-  each of my said daughters to receive one-fourth and each of my granddaughters one-eighth of my estate so remaining;  Provided, if at the time of the decease of my said wife, either of my said daughters be not living, and no child or children of such deceases daughter shall at such time be living, then the share such deceased daughter would have taken if living shall be equally divided among such of my said daughters as shall survive my said wife; and if at the time of the decease of my said wife either of my said grand-daughters hereinabove named be not living, and no child or children of such deceased granddaughters shall at such time be living, then the survivor of said granddaughters shall take the share such deceased granddaughter would have taken if living; but if neither of said granddaughters survived my said wife, and no child or children of either be then living, the share or shares which they or either of them would, under this will, have taken if living, shall be divided equally among such of my said daughters as may then survive my said wife.

Fourth:-  I hereby nominate and appoint my said wife, Caroline Now, to be the executrix of this my last will and testament, without bond, except her individual bond, hereby revoking any and all former wills by me made.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 23rd day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1899.

Charles Now (Seal)



I, Charles Now, having made my last will and testament, bearing date the twenty-third day of October, A.D. 1899, do now make this codicil to be taken as a part of the same.

First:-  I hereby ratify and confirm said will in every respect save so far as any part of it is inconsistent with this codicil.

Second:- Subject to the first and second provisions of my said last will and testament bearing date the 23rd day of October, A.D. 1899, I give, grant and devise to my daughter, Hattie Wheeler, wife of Robert M. Wheeler, of Oregon, Illinois, the following described real estate, to-wit:  Lot Ten (10) in Block nine (9) of Hill’s First Addition to the Town of Oregon, according to the recorded plat and survey thereof, situated in the County of Ogle and State of Illinois, to have and to hold the same, to her the said Hattie Wheeler , her heirs and assigns forever, with the express provision and understanding however, the acceptance of this devise by said Hattie Wheeler, shall operate and be a charge against her distributive share in my estate to the extent and sum of One Thousand dollars.

In witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of September, A.D. 1902.

Charles Now (Seal)


Charles Now died in 1906. He was preceded in dearth by his wife Carolina Now

George Mohr was appointed administrator of the Will of Charles Now.

July, 1906.   Final Report Filed and approved. In Ogle County

Real Estate in DeKalb County:  East ½ of North West ¼ of Section 9; also 1 acre, situated in the Northeast corner of the North west ¼ of the North West ¼ of said Section 9, describes as follows:-   Commencing at the North East corner of said North West ¼ of the North West ¼ of said Section and running thence West 10 rods, thence South 16 rods, thence East 10 rods, thence North 16 rods to the plac3e of beginning; all in Township 38 North, Range Three, east of the 3rd P. M. containing 81 acres more or less, situated in DeKalb County Illinois.