Bend, Lewis

Lewis Bend

Lewis Bend, farmer, section 29, Victor Township, was born Jan 5, 1831, in Lincolnshire, England, of which country his parents, William and Sarah (Watson) Bend, were also natives.  He received the education common to his class, and was reared at home through the years of his minority.  On leaving home he came to seek a wider field of operation than that afforded by the conditions which surrounded him in his native country.  He made his way to Scottsville, Monroe Co., N. Y., where he worked by the month as a farm laborer a year and a half.  He proceeded next to Ohio, where he remained six weeks only, the situation not suited to his taste.  He came to Illinois and passed three years in farm labor at various places, after which he located in De Kalb County, taking land in Victor Township to work on shares.  After operating in this manner for eight years, in 1866, he bought 160 acres of land, where he established his homestead, and which he still retains in his possession.  He also owns 97 acres on section 30.  He has erected substantial and valuable buildings on his farm, and has a fine stock and grain barn constructed at an expense of $3000.  He is interested in raising, and in the sale of fine grade stock.  In political views and actions, Mr. Bend had until the election of 1884 affiliated with the Republican party; in that year he cast his vote for the Democratic ticket.  He has officiated as School Director.


He was united in marriage Sept. 1, 1852, to Jane Sturges, and they have 12 children, three of whom are deceased :  Mary A., Lewis W., John T., Emma L., Esther E., Rosella, Joseph J., Metta J., and Lucy E. are still living.


The portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Bend appear on the pages of this work.  [Portrait and Biographical Album DeKalb County, Illinois, Chapman Brothers (Chicago), 1885, p.653.]

Submitted by Terry Todd