Jackson, George

George Jackson

George Jackson, dealer in general hardware, stoves, tin ware, farm machinery and barbed wire at Shabbona, was the first man to open a tin shop in the village named. He opened his shop in March, 1874, and continued the same for about a year, when he “closed out.” In October, 1876, he resumed his business at that point, putting in a stock of general hardware, stoves and tin ware, and has carried on the business continually every since, covering a period of about nine years.

In 1881, Mr. Jackson began dealing in farm machinery, making a specialty of McCormick’s machines and the Bassett and Ottawa wagons. He has continued in the latter line under the present time. His stock on hand averages $4000, and his business is a steadily increasing and prosperous one.

Mr. Jackson is a son of Jonathan and Mary (Wilds) Jackson, and was born in Schenectady, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1850. He received a common school education in his native city and early in life learned the tinner’s trade. In 1870 he came to this county and located at Shabbona Grove. He opened the pioneer tin ship of that place and continued the same until 1872, at the time the village of Shabbona was started. For two years from that he was engaged in farming, and then located in Shabbona and opened a shop, as before stated.

Mr. Jackson was married at Shabbona, Oct. 16, 1872, to Miss Camelia E., daughter of Nicholas and Maria (Quilhot) Kittle. She was born at Shabbona Grove, Dec. 5, 1850. Three children constitute the issue of their union, – one son and two daughters.  Their record is as follows: Bertie was born Jan. 24, 1874; Ethel, Oct. 14, 1883; and Lizzie, July 22, 1881.

Politically, Mr. Jackson is a believer in and supporter of the principles of the Republican Party.

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of DeKalb Co.