Olmsted, Daniel D.

Daniel D. Olmsted

Daniel D. Olmsted, farmer, section 31, Clinton Township, and owner of 205 acres in the township, was born in Catharine, Tioga County, now Schuyler Co., N. Y., June 21, 1822.  He is a son of Coleman and Clara (Dauchey) Olmsted.  He lived at home assisting his father and attending the common schools until 1835, when he removed with his parent to Big Flat, Chemung Co., N. Y., and three years later, 1838, came with them to Illinois.  The family located in La Salle County, where they continued to reside until the spring of 1841, when they removed to Shabbona Grove, this county.  The Olmsted family are of Revolutionary stock.  His great-grandfather died at Valley Forge.

Mr. Olmsted was married Nov. 10, 1846, at Clinton, this State, to Miss Ann B. McNish.  She was a daughter of Alexander McNish, of Washington Co., N. Y., and was born in that county.  She was the mother of two children by Mr. O., both of whom died in infancy.  The wife and mother died July 19, 1849, and Mr. Olmsted was again married Dec. 12, 1850, to Miss Elizabeth A. Frost, at Catharine, Schuyler Co., N. Y.  She is a daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth L. (Sherwood) Frost.  She was born in Catharine, Schyler Co., N. Y., and became the mother of four children by Mr. Olmsted.  Their children are: Frank D., born Nov. 9, 1851, married Malinda Cameron and resides in Shabbona.  George J. F., born Sept. 1, 1854.  Charles S., born March 6, 1856, and died Oct. 1, same year.  Charles J. C., born Sept. 13, 1858, and died March 9, 1861.

Mr. Olmsted settled on his present farm in 1847.  Two years afterward his house was burned, which he rebuilt and has continued to reside upon the farm ever since.

In politics Mr. Olmsted, in the days of the old Whig party, was a member of it, but since the organization of the Republican party, has acted and voted with it.  He and his wife were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which denomination Mr. Olmsted has been identified ever since its organization at Shabbona.   [from: Portrait and Biographical Album of DeKalb County, Illinois, Chicago: Chapman Bros. 1885, p 475-476.]

Submitted by Terry Todd