Powers, Norman H.

Norman Powers

Norman H. Powers, deceased, was born in Vergennes, Vt., Aug. 20, 1819. He accompanied his parents in childhood to Canada, and resided there from 1832 to 1839. In August of the latter year he moved to this State and located in LaSalle County, where he was engaged in farming until 1849. At that date he came to this county and located on section 33, Paw Paw Township. In 1852 he crossed the plains to California, and spent about a year and a half in the gold regions. Although he took a mining claim which subsequently proved to be very rich, he did not work it, as he preferred the slower and safer course, and engaged in getting out cord-wood and ship timber. This work proved profitable, and he returned to the “States” well satisfied with his venture.

He carried on his farm till the breaking out of the late war, when he enlisted as a private of Co. I, Fourth IL Cavalry, in August, 1861. He was promoted as Sergeant, and was seriously wounded by a bursting shell at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, April 6, 1862. The serious nature of his wound disabled him for further duty, and he was given an honorable discharge in the following August. Within three days after his return to his home, his son Edward B. enlisted in the same company and regiment to which his father had belonged, and served till the close of the war.

Mr. Powers removed to Earl in 1875, and six years later he removed to Scranton, Greene Co., Iowa, in the spring of 1882, where he died suddenly while talking to his horse in the barn, June 7, 1882. His wife survives him and continues to reside at Scranton. Mr. Powers was married to Catharine Hart, daughter of James and Elizabeth Hart. Mrs. Powers was born in England, Oct. 11, 1816. They had a family of five children, two boys and three girls; Edward B., born Sept., 16, 1841, married Nancy A. Weddell, and lives on the old homestead in Paw Paw Township; Christianna, born Feb. 22, 1846, is the wife of Hon. H. M. Boardman, of Paw Paw Township; Susan A., born July 29,1847, is the wife of James E. Moss of Greene Co., Iowa; Elizabeth, born April 3, 1849, died April 13, 1861; Horace E., born Sept. 21, 1850, married Nettie B. Porter, and lives at Blair, Neb.

Mr. Powers returned from Canada to Illinois, and was engaged in farming in LaSalle County till 1849, when he moved to Paw Paw Township, DeKalb County, and settled on section 33. He served in various official capacities in Paw Paw Township, having been Township Supervisor, Assessor, and Justice of the Peace several years each. He was a consistent Christian from early life, and was an influential member of the Congregational Church. In early life he was a Whig in politics, but on the organization of the Republican Party he espoused that cause, and always afterward voted that ticket.

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of DeKalb County, Illinois: Chapman Brothers, 1885, Chicago, IL