Weddell, Mary

Mary  N. Weddell 

In the Matter of the Estate of:                                                                  In DeKalb County County Court.

Mary N. Weddell deceased.                                                                    In Probate, Box Number 785

Estate No. 1892

Nov. 6th, 1922.            Will filed, and on December 4th, 1922, duly probated and admitted to record.


            I, Mary N. Weddell, of the City of DeKalb, County of DeKalb and State of Illinois, of the age of sixty-four (64) years, and being of sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament in manner following, that is to say:–

            First, It is my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid.

            Second, I give and bequeath to my husband Charles V. Weddell the use during his natural life of the following described real estate, to-wit: —  Beginning at the intersection of the West line on First Street with a Westerly production of the North line of Oak Street in the said City of DeKalb, thence Westerly on said Westerly production of the North line of Oak street two hundred eighteen and a half (218 ½) feet, thence Southerly parallel to the West line of First Street one hundred  (100) feet, thence Easterly parallel with said Westerly production of the said North line of Oak Street two hundred eighteen and a half (218 ½ ) feet to the Westerly line of First Street, thence Northerly along the Westerly line of First Street one hundred (100) feet to the place of beginning, and at his death I give devise and bequeath said real estate to my daughter Nellie V. Bullis to be hers and her heirs forever, provided, however, that the said Nellie V. Bullis shall pay to the First Trust and Savings Bank of DeKalb of DeKalb, Illinois within one year of the decease of my husband Charles V. Weddell the sum of five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00), the same to be held in trust by the First Trust and Savings Bank of DeKalb for the uses and purposes hereinafter set forth, and in case said Nellie V. Bullis shall not pay said sum of  Five Thousand dollars to the said First Trust and Savings Bank of DeKalb of Illinois, as herein provided, then said devise of said real estate shall be become void and said real estate shall become a part of the residuum hereinafter mentioned.

            Third, I give and devise to my daughter Nellie V. Bullis the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section twenty (20), Township thirty-seven (37) North, Range three (3), East of the Third Meridian to be hers and her heirs forever.

            Fourth, I give and devise to the First Trust and Savings Bank of DeKalb, Illinois, the following described real estate, to-wit:- The Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section twenty (20), Township thirty-seven (37) North, Range three (3), East of the Third Meridian, the same to be held in trust by it for the uses and purposes herein after set forth.

            Fifth, I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter Nellie V. Bullis the undivided one-half of all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate of whatsoever kind or nature, whether real, personal or mixed and wheresoever situated, whether owned by me now or acquired by me hereafter, to be hers and her heirs forever, and the other undivided one-half of said rest, residue and remainder I do herby give and bequeath to the First Trust and Savings Bank of DeKalb, Illinois, in trust, for the uses and purposes hereinafter set forth.

            Sixth, the property devised and bequeathed in trust to the First Trust and Savings Bank of DeKalb, in this my last will and testament, and all money or other property coming into its hands under the terms of this my last will and testament, shall be held in trust by said First Trust and Savings Bank for the following uses and purposes and with the following powers:–

                        1st, Said Trustee shall have full power to sell, convey and transfer any and all property, -real personal or mixed, which may come into its passion or under its control as such Trustee with full power to collect any and all money that may be due it as such trustee, and as such Trustee it shall have power to invest and re-invest said property, or the proceeds therefrom, and change the form of investment form time to time as may seem for the best interests of said estate and finally distribute said trust fund in accordance with the terms of this my last will and testament.

                        2nd, I direct my said Trustee to pay the net income from said trust fund, after deducting the necessary expenses for maintaining and conserving the same, and the expense of such Trusteeship, to the guardian of my grandson Charles Weddell Cole until he shall attain the age of twenty- one (21) years, and after he shall attain the age of twenty-one years, then said Trustees shall pay said net income to my said grandson during the remainder of his natural life; provided, however, if my said grandson shall have a wife living when he attains the age of twenty-five (25) years, then the principal of said trust fund and all accrued income thereon shall be paid by my said Trustee to my said grandson to be his and his heirs forever, or if my grandson is not married when he arrives at the age of twenty-five (25) years, but marries thereafter, then upon such marriage the principal of said trust fund and all accrued income thereon shall be paid top my said grandson by said Trustee, the same to be his and his heirs forever, and incase my said grandson shall never marry, then my Trustee shall within one year after the decease of my said grandson covey, transfer and deliver to my daughter Nellie V. Bullis all of said trust fund, including the principal and income therefrom, remaining in the hands of said Trustee, or due it under the terms of this my last will and testament.

                        3rd, My said Trustee shall also have power in case the income from said trust fund is not sufficient to pay for the education of my said grandson, or is not sufficient to properly provide for him in case of sickness, to use such part or portion of the principal of said trust fund as may appear necessary to the trust officer of said Trustee.

            Seventh, I nominate and appoint my husband Charles V. Weddell executor of this my last will and testament herby revoking all former will by me made, and I direct that my said husband, as such executor, shall not be required to give surety or sureties on his bond.

            In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of April A.D. 1920.

                                                                        Mary N. Weddell (SEAL)

Mary N. Weddell died on September 1st, A.D. 1922

September 9th, 1924, Final Report Filed and approved.

September 16th, 1924, Final Order declaring Estate Settled