

A will is a legal document that determines what happens to your property after your death. A will states who receives property and in what amounts. Property distributed under the terms of the will become the “probate” estate. Making a will is a responsibility, as well as a right that is protected by law.

In addition to distributing or transferring property, a will may have other functions. It may be used to name a guardian for any minor children or to create a trust and designate a trustee to handle an estate (property left after death) on behalf of children or others. A will may also be used to name a personal representative or “executor” to handle deceased’s (the person who died) property and affairs from the time of death until an estate is settled.

Similar information is also found in court records when a person dies intestate (without a will) as it goes through probate.

Barden, Flora V.Hodge, Susan GOlsen, Ole Gerhard
Beaston, EllaHolton, MiltonOlson, Julia
Booth, AllenHoughtby, CharlesOlson, Peter
Bouslough, SamuelHusk, Fred W.Olson, Renes
Browne, WilliamHusk, WilliamPalm. Adam
Buer, HilgaHyde, GeorgePattee, Rodney
Butler, Charles C.Hyde, JonathanPratt, Dexter
Byro, EdwardHyde, SimeonQuilhot, Mary C.
Challand, CharlesJackson, GeorgeQuinn, Ellen
Challand, Reuben  
Cory, David N.Jackson, WilliamQuinn, Patrick
Cory, JesseJohnson, CharlesRochford, Patrick
Cox, RobertJohnson, Frank & SadieRust, William
Davis, LeeJohnson, JoeSawyer, T. Frank
Davis, Mary J.Johnson, Oley AShephardson, Lucy
Day, JonathonJordal, Ole A.Shephardson, S. E.
Deegin, MalichiKeene, HarrySmith, Samuel S.
Dickinson, Henry S.Knell, GeorgeSpears, Harrison
Dugan, BernardKriete, Amanda L.Stevens, Charles
Dunham, WaddamsLalway, PeterStevens, Lucy
Edmonds, OliverLambert, JohnStevens, Miles
Edwards, PierpontLaPorte, FrankStorey, Septimus
Erbes, John J.Leyson, ReesThompson, Dorinda E.
Foiles, Charles HenryLucas, ThomasTodd, Neva Maud
Griffin, JuliaMarble, Thomas B.Todd, Robert W
Guy, Clement T.McCann, JohnTodd, William
Hallam, S. C. E.McCann, ThomasTruman, Lyman
Hampton, RobertMcCormick, MargaretTysdal, John
Harper, JamesMohr, GeorgeUllman, George
Harper, RobertMortimer, JohnVan Riper, Henry A
Hart, PatrickNess, Henry

Van Velzor, Dewitt

Hathaway, LorenzoNess, NellieVan Velzor, Eunice
Hayer, AlwildaNicholson, EuniceVan Velzor, William
Heaton, JohnNow, CharlesWeddell, Mary
Helm, Sarah E.Nowe, MildredWenmoth, Samuel W.
Herrick, EllaO’Connell, AnnWhite, William
Herrick, Minerva VO’Connell, MichaelWhitman, Daniel H.
Hickey, JohnOleson, OleWirick, Jacob
Hillison, AmondOleson, Ole H.Wright, Thomas
Hockstrasser, GottleibOlmstead, Isaac L. 
Hodge, James A.Olmstead, Lewis